Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living in Calgary

OK, I am back to blogging.  It's been a little over two weeks since we've been here in Calgary and we are getting settled.  We decided we needed to get some cowboy gear so here are our new boots!!

We will need these for the Calgary Stampede this summer.

We also explored some last weekend and went to Bragg Creek, as you can see it was snowing!!

Such a beautiful place!!  We are looking forward to going back once the weather gets better.  Hiking is not a good idea yet since the bears are starting to wake up and they need the snow to melt so they can get to their food or we may become their food.

Yesterday we took a trip to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller.  It is a museum full of local dinosaurs and artifacts found in the Alberta are.  Some of them even within the last 5-10 years.  This was an amazing place.  Not only was the museum awesome beyond words but once you get near the town of Drumheller the landscape changes and you are all of a sudden in the Alberta badlands.  These are rocks that were created between 84 and 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the area.  The variation in the colors is something you really need to see first hand, my pictures do not do it justice.

Check out some of the dinosaurs.

I have finally found a great place to go on my runs.  I go down to the Elbow River and have to cross over this swinging bridge, so cool!!!

We are off on another adventure today, I will keep you posted, I promise.
